Resilience in a world of Action

Miriam Cruz
5 min readJun 4, 2023


In the Pyrenees region of Catalunya, Spain, on the 20th/27th of May another edition of the Training funded by Erasmus+ in cooperation with ULEX and Ideenhochdrei e.V.
*Theme* Resourcing Resilience: Working with Trauma for Education took place.

The event had the participation of people from different parts of the world coming from countries such as Portugal, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, France, among others; Being contemplated by the richness of the diversity of races, cultures and genders, thus consolidating a multicultural event.

Participating in this training was a unique experience of being in contact with different and contrasting global realities, and thus being able to expand my worldview through the eyes and life experience of the other participants who were present.

Throughout the process, diversified activities were developed, such as group dynamics, learning methodologies and planning around the central theme Resilience, possible to be applied in different areas of our professional and personal life.

One of my favorite exercises was the “River of Life” exercise, in which, based on some previous inputs, we had a moment to draw a river that represented our life, highlighting the most striking aspects of our trajectory.

In addition to being a great individual exercise in self-knowledge, at a later time we also shared our drawings among ourselves, in small groups, and it was a tool that helped us to get to know each other better in a very interesting way.

Another example of activity that I found very relevant was a case study, in which it was possible to develop a detailed action plan on how to act in the face of risk situations that may arise in an event/ intervention/ activist action that we can organize.

I cannot fail to mention the enlightening section on Digital Security, which enabled us to navigate the //Digital Dimension// with more awareness and to understand deeply all the complexity it demands and how essential it is to educate ourselves and learn how to interact in a more alert and aware way in this world, which can reveal terrifying “Black Mirrors”.

We also had a very rich exchanges of experience between the group and we can learn a lot from the baggage that the participants brought, and the cultural exchange was really very powerful and valuable, even when situations emerged in which we had to face the challenges of dealing with so many diversities, it was possible for us to create connections and bridges in order to transcend our language and cultural barriers.

The official language of the event was English but in parallel moments and free time all forms of expression were welcome and also revealed themselves beautifully through music.

One of my deepest reflections was realizing how often our visions of the world are limited to the contexts in which we are inserted, in the most diverse parallel and fragmented realities that form true bubbles and niches throughout the entire globe.

Getting out of my reality zone and truly opening myself up to looking at what is happening in other realities… Being genuinely open to practicing active listening and simply listening to stories and life experiences of people in situations of such extreme vulnerability… Was a potent empathy exercise.

… The feeling of life threatening and emotional upheaval was really present in the atmosphere of the training.

As difficult as it is to face all the complexity we are experiencing in the contemporary world, this is a fundamental step for us to awaken and collaborate together on perspectives for change, in order to develop our ability to act more proactively, preventively and strategically versus reacting to situations, accidents, catastrophes, etc. reactively and without much preparation and repertoire. Opening your eyes and getting informed is a big small step.

In the final moments of closing, we carried out an exercise of “Walk to the Future” and we visualized a projection of our life within the next years, and at a given moment I realized that it was ca. 7 years ago when I started to awaken, study and engage in planetary causes… Since then a path has been designed in which it was possible for me to be able to participate in this training at this present moment.

In that moment I could feel that the simple fact that he was there, informing me, training me, etc. is already expanding my possibilities for futures, which are being created and manifested through my choices and actions in this present NOW.

In my point of view, it is essential that we develop our ability to be aware and sensitize of what is happening around the world, and I believe that this is one of the first steps to truly become aware and connect with collective causes, which also concern ourselves, and from that, find strength in this place to act, engage and align our lives to purposes that defend the common well-being of our home planet earth and our fellow human race, strengthening us through our union.

In our last circle together, I thanked everyone for the incredible opportunity to participate in this transformative experience that has truly marked my life and expressed my appreciation that our “Rivers of Lives” met in this place space and time, a truly watershed moment, so on we can follow our paths, but now connected, bathed in other waters and with the deep desire to meet again there, on this journey of life that I believe that in different ways we are all traveling towards the “Path Back Home”.

To finish, I would like to end this text with my warm thanks to the entire Erasmus+ Ulex and Ideenhochdrei e.V. for the realization of this training, in addition to each one of the participants who came from different countries and shared their existence with us in these intense and alive days, but also showered with love, care and good music to soften life.

“We are all just walking each other home” — Ram Dass

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By Miriam de La Cruz ✝️>___.
📋Event Management by Graduation
🖌Writer by Vocation
💝Artesan by Heart
🎨«Making Art And Your Part»



Miriam Cruz

.___<By Miriam Dela Cruz ✝️>___. 📋Event Management by Graduation 🖌Writer by Vocation 💝Artesan by Heart 🎨«Making Art And Your Part» @makingartandyourpart