The Humanity of the Future — Volunteering and Experiencing the Nazaré Uniluz

Miriam Cruz
7 min readAug 30, 2024


Photo taken from the Nazaré Uniluz website


\\Shine — Blaze — Integrity — Unity — Totality — Reception — Collection — Introspection — Communion — Attunement — Alignment — Individual — Collective — Gear — Organism -//

Greetings Beloved! Today I come here to share a very bright story about the transformative opportunity to participate in volunteering in the Nazaré Uniluz Instituition (located in Nazaré Paulista — ca. 89 km away from São Paulo capital).

And from this experience, to live collectively life again, with a temperature grading that started with a very introspective cold in the first days, until arriving on a Sunday Day of ☀️ Radiant Sun. (Period 12–18.08.2024)

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Brief history — Nazaré Uniluz

A group of 12 people, inspired by Trigueirinho (Brazilian filmmaker, researcher of perennial philosophies and spiritual leader), settled on the banks of the Atibaia, in Nazaré Paulista/SP, with the aim of creating a space for studies and meditation practices and mindfulness, in order to expand human consciousness through self-knowledge, altruistic service and group interaction. The space is created with total independence from religious, philosophical or political orientations and, since its foundation, has been guided by neutrality, simplicity, freedom from dogma and a sense of ownership.

On a visit to the community of Findhorn (1981), in the north of Scotland, Trigueirinho meets Sara Marriott (North American writer and executive of the US Bandeirante Movement, resident there for around 12 years). The two have been exchanging correspondence since then and, through letters, Trigueirinho invites Sara to participate in the construction of this Center of Light in Brazil. (Year founded: 1982)

(Source: Nazaré Uniluz website

For more information visit the website or contact: +55(11)96473–2851

The 12 principles

There are 12 principles that guide the instituition rhythm of life and that permeate the most varied activities in a well-applied manner:





Ceremonial Order

Loving Care


Selfless Service

Sustainable Communication

Group Leadership

Care for Nature



Some differences that I would like to highlight, noticeable from other collective experiences I have had, were the quality of the place, super structured, clean, organized, with such an engaging nature, and the diversity of practices that enable the awakening of consciousness, the appreciation of in-depth details, Loving Care, the practice of Mindfulness in the simplest everyday tasks.

Furthermore, this organization, with great respect and commitment to schedules, helps to bring clarity to our roles and tasks, and thus also save our free moments.


Before starting each of the activities, first everyone is invited to remain silent for a few moments, and then each one draws a °Cart of the Angels°, inviting a quality that will accompany them throughout the task (in line with the principle of the Order Ceremonial).

Meditation practice takes place 3 times a day (07h / 12h / 19h — 15min duration) in the meditation room. And at this moment, the proposal is that everyone on the Campus practices silence, regardless of where you are.

The practice of silence also happens at breakfast (Silent morning until 8am) — therefore, during this period there is no need to talk, say good morning, some people tend to keep their heads down, in their inner world).

Wi-Fi Detox — Free use of the internet is limited to just a few appropriate areas — suggesting Loving Care not to record audio or make calls in the bedroom area, for example. We don’t usually take our cell phones with us to activities, nor do we take photographs.

OMG! I cannot forget to mention the Divine and abundant meals every day, prepared with lots of love, full attention, organic food from the garden, and which really made mealtime a sacred moment, of great satisfaction, full of food so tasty and nutritious. (Vegetarian & Vegan)


One of my favorite places was the [Labyrinth], a very ingenious and symbolic space where we gathered every morning around the Sacred Mandala to align ourselves with the new day, distribute tasks, etc.

garden, and which really made mealtime a sacred moment, of great satisfaction, full of food so tasty and nutritious. \\Abundance// (Vegetarian & VegaStructureOne of my favorite places was the [Labyrinth], a very ingenious and symbolic space where we gathered every morning around the Sacred Mandala to align ourselves with the new day, distribute tasks, etc.
Labyrinth — Photo taken from the Uniluz website

InterSer — Who are you?

Take away everything that connects you to the world: money, relationships, arms, legs, language, and there will still be something left that is you — I am not this, I am not that. Something minus everything equals nothing, so you are nothing. But when we are there, at that point, we discover that nothing is nothing, it is everything: everything springs from the void and a particle of energy has a billion suns. So you are everything! -Charles Eisenstein


The instituition support tasks (such as organizing the dishes after meals — called Harmonization — to be carried out every day by volunteers) were divided into “Classrooms”.

My favorite classrooms were — Loom, Bread Making and Garden (including an invigorating dip in the dam after the hard work on the land).

LOOM — Photo taken from the Uniluz website

“The mosaic is plural and only exists because the pieces came out of their singularities.”


There are different ways of accessing to Nazaré Uniluz, such as:

- Friendly Volunteering — 1 week immersion, which I was participating in;

- Volunteering VIVA Experience: volunteer immersion for 3, 6 and 9 months (cycles of 3 months that can be renewed until completing the 9-month journey);

- Resident;

- Individual Retreats

- Collective Retreats (which last around 3 days and normally take place on weekends);

-In addition to other forms of collaboration and membership.


…The dance between collective experiences and individual moments…

Having already experienced diverse life experiences in community (whether for a longer period or even in contexts such as festivals, retreats, etc.), throughout these experiences I realized the importance of respecting my individual moments, breaks, spaces for myself, to be able to process so many accesses absorbed from interactions. It’s not very difficult to be captivated by so many possibilities of activities and events that take place simultaneously in this vibrant lifestyle.


I increasingly recognize how fundamental it is, even in a collective experience, to preserve my individual spaces and thus continue developing my individuation. //Self-care\\

Single Rooms — Nazaré Uniluz

Free Spaces

We had a free afternoon, and on that day we were treated to a brilliant Sunny Day ✨ which invited us to go to the dam and have a very pleasant and refreshing afternoon, in communion, accompanied by Voices & Guitar and we were able to enjoy the magnificent sunset singing the song “O Segundo Sol” together, watching the sun reflected in the dam… It was very special!

“When the second sun arrives, To realign the orbits of the planets…”

The Humanity of the Future

The place also has a very charming and cozy library, and I found a book by Trigueirinho on the shelf — A Humanidade do Futuro, and in a moment of pause when I was resting in the hammock reading this book, in that place, at that moment, I recognized myself in this future idealized a long time ago. It was a very peculiar timeless sensation.

And this whole experience renewed my faith in alternative forms of life, more integrated with nature, in community, which, far beyond dreams and visions, are now realities in different places around the world.


On Wednesday evening, we had another moment of communion in a relaxed Soiree, in which it was possible to be present as ourselves, and from that place, we shared our talents in a very comfortable way, and each one who was overcoming the barrier to exposing oneself, encouraged others to express themselves as well. ∆``SPARKS``∆

Another very special moment of celebration was the Circular Dance workshop, which also helped to anchor Vital Energy, bringing African rhythms and other styles.

This place really was a very fertile soil, which allowed me to flourish genuine aspects of my Being, (and we do not always find suitable opportunities to give vent to this immensity of potential that inhabits us).

And to end this sharing in an inspired way, as was this experience as a whole, I would first like to thank Will Zumba, who generated this connection, the entire Nazaré Uniluz team and all the volunteers who shared this journey and together we were able to write another chapter in the book of life.

And finally, bring an authorial poem, which I recited at the Soiree.

Take a silent break. Breathe deeply and delight:


Why all this Difference

Strengthens Resistance

Between our Existence?

I invite your Essence

Tuning into my Frequency

And enhance our Presence.

All this Diversity

From us Humanity

Can be exponentiate

For everyone there is a place

Let’s go beyond believing

And in everyday life, practice.

Experience new flavors

Try other Values

Express all the Sadness

Find Real Healers

Exhale the fragrance of flowers

Exalt our Loves

Make life a Rainbow of Colors! 🌈

† Miriam DelaCruz †

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Miriam Cruz

.___<By Miriam Dela Cruz ✝️>___. 📋Event Management by Graduation 🖌Writer by Vocation 💝Artesan by Heart 🎨«Making Art And Your Part» @makingartandyourpart